
  1. DBOX creates strategy, design and content for the marketing of landmark properties around the globe. From our studios in London, Miami and New York, we work in close collaboration with many of the world's leading developers, investors and architects. Through the careful combination of craft and technology, we generate non-formulaic brands and experiences that are engaging, memorable and effective. A selection of our award-winning work can be seen at: www.dbox.com

DBOX’s work has been recognised by organisations including the Academy of Television Arts 
& Sciences (Emmy® Awards), Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, World Luxury Award, American Design Awards, and The International Property Awards, and has been exhibited at 
The Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, The Art Institute of Chicago and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.

    「アマンレジデンス 東京」と日本初上陸ホテル「ジャヌ東京」が開業。虎ノ門・麻布台プロジェクトが推進する “ヒルズの未来系”

    森ビルが、2023年の開業に向けて推進中の大規模都市再生事業「虎ノ門・麻布台地区第一種市街地再開発事業」において、ブランデッドレジデンス「アマンレジデンス 東京」と、アマンの姉妹ブランドとなる日本初進出のラグジュアリーホテル「ジャヌ東京」の…

  2. teamlabxmoriibuilding_1


    チームラボと森ビルは、お台場・パレットタウンに本格的デジタルアートミュージアム「MORI Build…


  1. maintenance
  3. mikimoto
  4. FENDI (2)
  5. palco-leslie-zhang